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Shooting of 40+, or Geometry of Love started

The shooting of a four-episode film 40+, or Geometry of Love directed by Oksana Bayrak started (produced by Film UA Production and Oksana Bayrak Studio).

Synopsis. If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans, as the saying goes. The destinies of Masha, Tatyana and Alina totally attest to that. Once, they predicted happy life for themselves, and everything seemingly came true, but as if in a distorted mirror. Lonely Masha who has had a brilliant career still cannot forget her first love. Alina, tired of being a wife of the unrecognized genius, finds consolation in a mind-blowing affair with a married man. Tatyana who looks so happy in her marriage secretly dreams about children… Will our characters manage to regain their strength after numerous trials and tribulations? Will they be too afraid of changing their lives to become happy?