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Rights to The Late Regret and Waiting List sold to Russia

Starting from 2017, The Late Regret and Waiting List series will be aired on Russian Bestseller and Russian Detective TV channels.

The Late Regret. Mila and Kostya wouldn't be together if it weren't for their daughters, Lika and Kira. The marriage is on the verge of collapse. However, that doesn't stop Mila from having an affair with the young and entrepreneurial Tomash.
Anna and her son, Sergey, live each day expecting a miracle to happen. Their loving husband and father has disappeared in Afghanistan years earlier but their everlasting hope pushes them to believe that one day they will find him at home safe and sound. Could this be the day?

Both families have enough on their plates but fate decides to throw them another curveball. Turns out 16-year-old Kira is carrying Sergey's child…

Waiting List. Every day someone dies and every time there is a choice whether the death of one human would become a hope of life for another…
The transplant clinic doctors fight for someone's life every day, and their private concerns could turn into a death sentence for the patient in surgery. Their honed movements decide between life and death; there is no room for personal feelings here. Red tape and suspicious law enforcement, personal dramas and concerns, doubts and fears have to stay behind the door to the operating theater so that the doctors could save yet another life.
Each episode is a separate story about the lives of Grokholsky's transplant clinic medical staff. The series raises very important social and medical issues, but at the same time not overloaded with highly specialized information. The main storyline is primarily about the twists and turns of human fate.