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Rights to Eskimo Girl acquired by IGMAR

IGMAR producing company acquired the rights to broadcast the first three seasons of Eskimo Girl animated series. The rights enter into force starting from April 1, 2017.

Synopsis.Today the sea will wash ashore a gramophone and a rescue raft, tomorrow it will give her an air horn or an umbrella. Do these gifts mean anything? The little Eskimo Girl will accept the challenge and solve this riddle! Each episode tells a heart-warming story about the adventures of our curious little heroine and her friends, Smarty and Sturdy. ‘Eskimo Girl' is a touching feel-good story about the importance of friendship and family and the many surprises this world holds for us. It will be fun to watch for both children and their parents.
All characters use the universal language of children, i.e. body language and sounds.
‘Eskimo Girl' animated series, and now its 4th season is in production. ‘Eskimo Girl' has enjoyed wide international success and is currently available for the general public in Ukraine, Estonia, Kazakhstan, the USA, Canada, and China.