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Two seasons of Dr. Baby Dust on Channel One International

First and second seasons of Dr. Baby Dust will become available on air of Channel One international version.

The series will be available through pay TV and mobile TV.

The international version of Channel One International is available for European residents. The global version broadcasts all products of Channel One International licensed for broadcasting abroad; this version is available anywhere in the world.

Synopsis. Dr. Shyrokov is an exceptionally talented doctor who goes above and beyond for his patients. His bright future in medicine is practically written in the stars. Yet he gives up on his career and accepts a residential position in a suburban hospital. But soon enough Fortune itself deals him a hand. A newly opened fertility center welcomes the young prodigy with open arms. However, working there is not all smooth sailing. While wrestling with work-related problems, he goes on doing what he does best – treating infertility. But is it all there is to it? It seems that every success, every newborn he so graciously delivers, underlines his unwavering status of a childless father. The one patient he failed is his own wife. Shyrokov has dwelled on this profound loss, fighting a battle where all the odds seem to be against him ever since…