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Step Dan in the Top Five Finalists of International Format Awards

A dramedy Step Dan made it to top five finalists of International Format Awards 2017 traditionally held by С21Media, an international media company. The Ukrainian version of a popular New Zealand format Step Dave competed in the Best Scripted Format category.

This year, competition organizers received over 320 applications in 9 categories. 42 formats made it to the final, and the winners in each category were chosen by leading format buyers and investors.

Good luck to project producers!

Step Dan is a family drama with comedy elements. The story is based on a relationship between two protagonists, Dan and Tina. Dan is a real minion of fortune. He is 24, handsome, witty and takes his success with women for granted, without ever getting into a serious relationship. Tina is 39, she is a self-made businesswoman and a mother of three children. They have met in unusual circumstances with a rather usual development: a date, then casual sex and no strings attached… Both are totally happy with it until Dan suddenly realizes he has fallen head over heels in love. But can Dan become a stepfather for Tina’s three children? What to do with their grandmother who has not accepted the “pup” from the very start? And how will Tina’s nearest and dearest react to such an obvious misalliance?