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Premiere of Two Lives on air of Ukraina TV channel

On March 27-31, the premiere screening of Two Lives, a 12-episode criminal melodrama, took place on air of Ukraina TV channel.

FOUNDLAND PICTURES LIMITED provided a portion of services during the shooting in Ukraine. We reached Sergey Radchenko, Ukrainian actor playing one of the lead roles in the series and asked him to comment the shooting process.

The film is interesting because all key characters are somehow reborn: somebody becomes better, and somebody comes to the dark side. It is a fight of good and evil of sorts,” Sergey says. “My character Andrey is no exception: at first glance, he seems to be a good person but then we find out what really drives him. Still, I believe that the audience will understand in the end where my character comes from and will be able to sympathize with him.”

The series premiere was successful: the film was viewed by about 2 million people aged 4 years and up all over Ukraine!

The average viewing share and film viewing ranking amounted to 9.90% and 3.02% for 18-54 (50+) audience; 9.82% and 3.24% for 18-54 (all Ukraine) audience; and 12.82% and 4.83% for 18+ (all Ukraine) audience.

The average viewing share for the series was higher than the channel average daily share for 18-54 (all Ukraine) audience - by 4% and for 18+ (all Ukraine) audience - by 7%. Besides, the viewing share has exceeded the channel share for January-March 2017 for 18+ (all Ukraine) audience by 2%.