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In Kyiv, Choosing Her Way melodrama filming started

On May 16, filming of a four-episode melodrama Choosing Her Way started. The shoot will take place in Kyiv until mid-June, and the premiere of the melodrama will take place on air of Ukraina TV channel this year.

Synopsis: Natasha and Viktor dream about a child, but they haven’t managed to become parents in 10 years of their marriage. Mother-in-law blames Natalya for everything, and Viktor starts to gradually pull away from the family. Suddenly, an old school friend Alexander comes back into Natasha’s life. It is hard to believe that this successful, confident and handsome man is the same shy Sasha who used to be her heartsick lover. Husband’s betrayal and dismissal from the job she liked so much bring Natasha to the verge of despair, but old friend’s support and accidental acquaintance with Nikolay change her life radically. It looks like destiny is willing to give Natasha a second chance… But it immediately delivers a new blow. Only the devoted Sasha is always by her side in hard times. Still, who is he really: a faithful friend or a reason for all her misfortunes?