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Filming of new film by Oksana Bayrak Nothing Happens Twice

Very soon, filming of a new project by Oksana Bayrak is due to start. The filming of Nothing Happens Twice, a 16-episode series, will take place in Ukraine, Georgia, Spain, and the US.

Among Kyiv locations for the melodrama are civil registry’s office, central railway station, high-security facility, scientific and technical library (used for garrison headquarters). The group has some difficult work ahead: filming explosions on the territory of a training area.

Synopsis. This story starts 20 years ago. A small military settlement right on the border seems quiet and peaceful, but this first impression turns out to be false. This is a small country with its own rules where passion, love, fidelity, and adultery find their place. The characters face challenging decisions and fatal meetings, which will lead to trials… or a great love?