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Favorite Teacher became the most popular series in November

Favorite Teacher became the most popular series for 18-54 (50+) and 18-54 (all Ukraine) segments.

Yesterday 1+1 TV channel successfully premiered Favorite Teacher, an eight-episode drama. The first episode of the drama was watched by over 2 million viewers 4 years of age and up over the whole Ukraine. Average ranking and viewing share for the first episode of the film for 18-54 audience (50+) amounted to 4.4% and 12.35% respectively, and for 18-54 audience (all Ukraine) – 5.2% and 13.2%.

Synopsis. With the appearance of a new teacher at the school, the life of high school senior Ignat Kalinin has changed once and for all. From the very first glance, he understands that Ulyana Sergeyevna is the love of his life. As for the young teacher, she dismisses the boy’s feelings as not serious enough...The school year goes by with the first love, first life lessons, first trials and a hope for real life starting after the last class hour ends. A fight erupts at the graduation, and Ignat’s best friend dies at the police station. This murder is attributed to the main character, and his life falls to pieces.

The boy faces jail and betrayal, jealousy and wishes for revenge; he feels guilty and tries to get on with his life… How to manage all of it? Ignat finds strength and hope in his first school love, but will he be able to keep this beautiful feeling intact after all tribulations? Will Ulyana Sergeyevna listen to her heart? And who is to answer for the broken destinies of these people?