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I Swear I will Love You Forever melodrama premiere on Ukraina TV channel

On November 4, premiere of a four-episode melodrama I Swear I will Love You Forever took place on air of Ukraina TV channel. Four episodes of the film were watched by more than 2,200,000 viewers.

During the broadcast of I Swear I will Love You Forever premiere, the channel was a viewing leader for all main audiences (18+, 18-54, 14-49, 4+), both all over Ukraine and in the cities with 50+ thousand residents, leaving the competitors significantly behind.

The series made it to top six channels by audience share in 18+ (Ukraine) and 18+ (50+) slots.

Synopsis. Olena is a beautiful girl, a sportswoman, and pride of Primorsk.  She’s got a lot ahead of her in terms of sports career because she is a natural swimmer. In her childhood, she makes friends with  Zheka and Pashka. Long ago they swear to be together and never betray each other. On the eve of the graduation the guys between whom there is an unspoken competition for the girl, decide to reveal their feelings to her. And one of them has to give in to the other competitor. However, the adult life will be full of events they even can’t expect and end up the way they can’t dream about. Seven years later Olena, Pashka, and Zheka meet again in their native town. And, like many years ago, Olena has to make a choice. But will the childhood oath be able to stand the test of time?