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Shooting of project "TO PROPOSE NOT TO PLEAD" has started

The shooting of a 4-series comedy melodrama "TO PROPOSE NOT TO PLEAD" –  has started in Kyiv. Shooting will last until mid-September.

The project claims two main locations: main character’s spacious apartment that received several design awards, and a real automobile showroom. During the shooting of the main character driving his expensive red car in the district of Kyiv Obolon, we needed not only a carriage – a trailer bed, on which the filmed car, light and camera were fixed but a police cortege in addition to accompanying the shooting process.

The premiere of the series will take place on TV-channel STB in 2017.

Synopsis. Pavel Soloviev is a great lover of women. He has never been married but gets actively involved in a relationship with women. Sometimes even with several at the same time. However, his rule is “no affairs at work”. Standard scheme of his intrigues is simple: light, pleasant relationships; meetings on his or “her” territory; painless break-up in case of the slightest hint at wedding plans; in case of break-up yet another “ex” gets a comforting compensation - an inexpensive but decent car, money, jewelry. To be short, everyone is happy. Nevertheless, one morning changes everything...

Morning of the day, when a new sales manager Lena Titova, with whom Soloviev had a short affair six years ago, appears at his automobile showroom. And at home he has his mom - Lidia Vasilievna, who came from the town, where Pasha was born, to get him married urgently ... Since that day Pasha's life changes completely.