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The Sniffer Third Season on Channel One

On October 2,  long-awaited premiere screening for detective series The Sniffer third season will take place on Channel One (Russia). New episodes will come out from Monday till Thursday at 9:30 PM.

Just a reminder: the first season of The Sniffer became an unprecedented leader of TV broadcasts in Ukraine and Russia; the project has been sold to over 60 territories, and the format adapted in Japan in 2016.

The Sniffer is a story about a detective with a super-refined sense of smell. There are no secrets and hopeless crimes for him because in the very first minute of the meeting he’s ready to tell absolutely everything about any person. However, this gift has its downside: The Sniffer is totally helpless in the world around him. In the new season, the audience will get the answers to some long-brewing questions about the past of the main characters. But will The Sniffer’s main secret be revealed?