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Filming of season 8 for Doctor Komarovsky School started

On January 18, the 8th season of Doctor Komarovsky School TV show started.
The show is produced by FILM.UA Television. The shooting will last until April 2016.

Doctor Komarovsky School is a project developed by FILM.UA Television.
Each episode is dedicated to an important child health issue, e.g., nutrition, sleep, allergic reactions, etc. By structure, each episode consists of two blocks. In block one of the program the doctor receives celebrities with their children in his office. A child health issue is reviewed. In the second block, after viewing the part with the celebrity the audience discusses the problem asking questions and listening to recommendations from the famous doctors. As the TV show is about children, they are the main focus. They freely play in an equipped child's corner, go around the room and talk to their parents.