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The Brave Squad social detective drama became a slot leader among all audiences

During the very first week of broadcasts on April 6-10 The Brave Squad became a slot leader among all four audiences, and the series’ share exceeded that of the TV channel.

In total, the series was viewed by 1 million 130 thousand people. The average ranking and viewing share have amounted to, respectively: 18-54 (50+) 2.22% and 10.7%; 18+ (50+) 4.80% and 16.4%; 18-54 (Ukr) 1.81% and 9.2%; and 18+ (Ukr) 3.89% and 14.8%.

The series format was developed and implemented by Yulia Mischenko, creative producer at FILM.UA Group. This is the first big project raising the issue of domestic violence.

Our congratulations go to the film crew and everyone who worked on this drama.

About the film

The Domestic Violence Unit was created in the wake of the renewed work of law enforcement bodies. It is headed by Inga Nikolaevna Dolinskaya, police captain. She fought for the creation of the Unit and developed the basic principles of its work.

Her girl Friday is Renata Markovich, major, forensic scientist, who had been working with Interpol for a long time. She uses her experience and knowledge of criminology to expose the truth of each particular case. Uliana Biliak - IT specialist, working for the Unit. She extracts information for investigators that cannot be quickly obtained through official means. Solomiya Didukh - a psychologist, working for the Unit. She is a responsive, tactful and honest person. But, like each of the four female investigators, she has her own "skeleton in the closet".

The brave investigators are expected to have complex and complicated cases and difficult life stories.

But besides the enemy from without, each of them must defeat the enemy from within and tough it out. And only by helping others they will help themselves.

Director: Maxim Gulenko, Pavel Mashchenko

Director of photography: Vladimir Ostapets

Producer: Elena Kanishevskaya, Oksana Tunik, Victoria Korogod, Irina Kostiuk, Yulia Mishchenko, Artem Stetsenko, Sergey Demidov.

Scriptwriter: Olga Artiukh, Mark Shparber, Antonina Pikhovshek, Oksana Savchenko, Tamara Nikitchina, Ekaterina Pekur, Tatiana Yereskina, Sergey and Natalya Shevchenko, Inga Balitskaya, Lana Ivanitsa, Irina Feofanova.

Cast: Irina Lanovenko, Alexandra Luta, Daria Petrozhytska, Alexandra Goncharova, Andrey Merzlikin, Alexander Norchuk, Viacheslav Vasiliuk, Vitaly Derevianchuk, Alexandra Polguy, Maxim Kaniuka, Angelina Stepanenko, Vladislav Goncharov and others.