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After Winter melodrama filming ended

After Winter is a positive film telling us that it is never too late to change your life. This is what happens to Olga Grabina, the protagonist who has a heap of problems suddenly coming down on her practically on the same day. She loses her job and finds out about her husband’s cheating… Besides, she has to deal with the problems of her two almost grown-up daughters.

Project director Alina Bukhtiyarova speaks very warmly about her new work:

“The title is self-explanatory: after winter, spring always follows. So we shouldn’t fear changes especially those we cannot stop. In spite of older age and all life circumstances we should always be ourselves and turn our life around if necessary. And of course, it is never too late for love.”  

We will inform about the premiere date a bit later.

Director: Alina Bukhtiyarova

DOP: Dmitry Yurikov

Art director: Maksim Dimitrenko

Screenwriter: Maria Bek

Producers: Viktor Mirsky, Viktoria Korogod, Natalia Strybuk, Iryna Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Kirill Gorobets, Olga Solovyova.

Cast: Dasha Volga, Prokhor Dubravin, Sergey Korshikov, Anna Serdyuk, Polina Nosykhina, Elena Svetlitskaya, Maksim Devizorov, Natalya Doroshenko, Ekaterina Artemenko, Tatyana Yurikova, Denis Kapustin, and others.