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LYNX melodrama filming started

The first shots were filmed in a stylish Podil café. Then, according to the long-standing tradition, project director Roman Tkachenko broke the plate which symbolizes the start of filming and wished inspiration and success to the crew.

This story will have human relationships and emotions in the foreground. Passion, adultery, deceit, forgiveness and love – these are the main themes the plot revolves around.

The lead roles are played by Anastasia Ivanova, Vlad Nikityuk, Anastasia Tsymbalaru, Prokhor Dubravin, and others.

We wish the creative crew every success and fascinating energetic shifts. Just a reminder: LYNX melodrama will be premiered on Ukraina TV channel.

About the project:

They met in a summer camp when they were 14. Beautiful Anya, lanky Sasha and Lynx. Sasha started calling her that because of her last name Ryseva (“rys” means “lynx” in Ukrainian) and red hair even though her real name was Marina. All three of them were inseparable for the whole summer. And then Marina understood that she loved Sasha. But by that time he had started dating Anya. The summer was over, and this friendship was over with it.  

And in ten years Marina, then a medical student, accidentally met her first unrequited love, Sasha. They got married and were happy. Until the moment when Anya appeared in Sasha’s life again – and it turned out he had loved her all these years. Marina understood immediately that fighting was useless. She packed her things and left.   

Marina became one of the best heart surgeons in the country, met a great man and married him. And after many years the destiny has brought all three of them together again…

Director: Roman Tkachenko

DOP: Markiyan Kanyuka

Screenwriters: Nadezhda Komarovskaya, Aleksey Sivolap  

Producers: Viktor Mirsky, Viktoriya Korogod, Natalya Strybuk, Iryna Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Tatyana Nosenko  

Cast: Anastasia Ivanova, Vlad Nikityuk, Anastasia Tsymbalaru, Frosya Melnik, Prokhor Dubravin, Galina Kobzar-Slobodyuk, Aleksandr Popov, Elizaveta Zaytseva, and others.