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Filming of True friend four-episode film started

The initial scenes were filmed in a beautiful spot in the capital, National Environment and Nature Center drowning in greenery and curious plants. Here the first shots with the protagonist, Katya Smolina the music teacher, were filmed. She will have to go down a challenging path of losses and disappointments: lose her loved ones and find out about the betrayal of someone close to her. Will she survive? And what will help Katya pull through this streak of bleak days?  

Irina Gromozda, director, already familiar to the audience through her projects Believe Me, Step Dan, HIDE AND SEEK, etc. tells about her new project:  

“Our film is about friends where one of them betrays the other. In this situation the people feel hurt, curse the traitors – well, anything can happen! But our protagonist finds her own solution: she helps the friend who has betrayed her, in this way saving both of them. But there is another essential line in the film that reveals the relationship between two women: seven-year-old Mashenka and a grown-up lonely woman Tamara Mikhaylovna. This touching line is the heart and soul of our film. And if you add a great violinist played by Pyotr Rykov, in the end you get a beautiful and strong story about friendship, betrayal, grace and love…”

About the film:

The life of Katya Smolina, a music teacher, is terribly shaken – her husband Andrey dies in a car accident. Her best friend who was in the same car with him is in ICU. Katya takes Inna’s daughter, seven-year-old Masha, into her home. Katya herself cannot have children so the loss of her husband hits her really hard as nothing is left from their love. Besides, mother-in-law keeps attacking her and blames Katya for Andrey’s death as it was her who persuaded Andrey to drive her friend to the camp to pick up her daughter who has suddenly fallen ill.

And soon enough Katya finds out that her husband and her best friend were lovers…  

Director: Irina Gromozda

DOP: Dmitry Kiptily

Screenwriter: Maryana Bek

Producers: Viktor Mirsky, Viktoria Korogod, Natalya Strybuk, Irina Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Ekaterina Shvets.

Cast: Elena Borozenets, Kateryna Tyshkevich, Pyotr Rykov, Grigoriy Baklanov, Vitaliy Kudryavtsev, Galina Kobzar-Slobodyuk, Diana Dikaya, Aleksey Nagrudny, and others.