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LYNX melodrama filming ended

The narrative of four-episode melodrama is centered on a story of Marina Ryseva, or Lynx as her friends call her. For all her life she’ll love her friend Sasha, live through deceit and unrequited love. Destiny will repeatedly bring Lynx and Sasha together, as if testing them. Will our protagonist forgive her old friend, will she be able to trust him? And will there be a happy end to this story? We’ll find out soon enough…  

Director Roman Tkachenko has told us about the most interesting, vivid and memorable moments of the filming period.

«In my opinion, our film crew was the greatest: actors, cameramen, makeup artists, costume designers, light technicians and all the rest. Thanks to these people there was the ambience of trust and mutual understanding on the set. We had only 16 shifts – very active, packed and challenging. And all departments functioned like clockwork and in the best synergy possible, which helped to overcome all challenges. I have the best memories about the filming period. And I believe that we managed to create a nice, beautiful and touching story.»

Director: Roman Tkachenko

DOP: Markiyan Kanyuka

Screenwriters: Nadezhda Komarovskaya, Aleksey Sivolap  

Producers: Viktor Mirsky, Viktoriya Korogod, Natalya Strybuk, Iryna Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Tatyana Nosenko  

Cast: Anastasia Ivanova, Vlad Nikityuk, Anastasia Tsymbalaru, Frosya Melnik, Prokhor Dubravin, Galina Kobzar-Slobodyuk, Aleksandr Popov, Elizaveta Zaytseva, and others.