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Filming of True friend series ended

True friend is a melodrama telling a challenging story of love, friendship, mutual help and mercy. The life of Katya Smolina is terribly shaken: her husband Andrey dies in a car accident, and her best friend Inna who was in the same car with him is taken to an ICU. Katya takes Inna’s daughter to her home. But soon enough she finds out that her husband and best friend were lovers…

We congratulate the group on the completion of filming period!  

Director: Irina Gromozda

DOP: Dmitry Kiptily

Screenwriter: Maryana Bek

Producers: Viktor Mirsky, Viktoria Korogod, Natalya Strybuk, Irina Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Ekaterina Shvets.  

Cast: Elena Borozenets, Kateryna Tyshkevich, Pyotr Rykov, Grigoriy Baklanov, Vitaliy Kudryavtsev, Galina Kobzar-Slobodyuk, Diana Dikaya, Aleksey Nagrudny, and others.