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Talk to Her melodrama filming started

Arena City, a luxurious business center, didn’t just become the venue for the “plate” official ceremony. According to the script, it is here that the office of one of the characters, big businessman Mikhail Konovalov, is located.  

Talk to Her is about friendship and love, honesty and betrayal, sincerity and hypocrisy. Katya Malikova the protagonist will have to find out who are her friends and who are her haters and enemies. Aleksandra and Artem, other characters in the story, will also have to re-evaluate their lives…

About the film

Katya and Sasha have been friends since childhood. But their friendship was destroyed by love for one man, Artem, who ended up choosing Katya. The wedding way was to become the happiest in the lives of the couple but turned out to be their last. The cruel game of Artem’s uncle Valeriy almost killed Katya and made Sasha miserable. And only after forgiving each other the friends were able to overcome everything and find real love. This time, each her own…

Director: Roman Tkachenko

DOP: Dmitry Yurikov

Screenwriters: Andrey Pertsen, Nadezhda Komarovskaya, Lev Karpov 

Producers: Viktor Mirsky, Viktoria Korogod, Natalya Strybuk, Iryna Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Kirill Gorobets, Tatyana Nosenko.  

Cast: Anastasia Ivanova, Grigoriy Baklanov, Elizaveta Zaytseva, Andrey Isayenko, Yuriy Grebelnik, Tamara Morozova, Aleksandr Tretyachenko, and others.