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Filming of The Brave Squad social detective drama completed

126 shifts, ten months of work, a lockdown break, the longest working days of 16 to 17 hours, 40 episodes – and the filming period of The Brave Squad detective series is now over!

The audience already knows The Brave Squad team – in spring, the first episodes of the film were premiered. In the new episodes our superheroines will open up in new ways. What does Inga Dolynska hide, which dark secrets will suddenly surface from her past? Will Renata be able to punish her ex-husband and prove his guilt in court? What will happen to the disobedient Ulyana? How will Solomiya’s life turn out after the terrible car accident? And will Honcharuk remain in the unit?..

About the film

The domestic violence unit was established in the spirit of reformatting the work of law enforcement. It is headed by police captain Inga Mykolayivna Dolynska who fought for the creation of this unit and developed the foundation of its work. Her right hand is major Renata Markovych, a crime scene manager who cooperated with Interpol for a long time. In each case, Renata uses her experience and forensic science to dig for the truth. Ulyana Bilyak is a programmer of the unit finding information for the investigators which is impossible to quickly get through official channels. Solomiya Didukh is the unit psychologist, sensitive, tactful and honest in her work. However, just like each of the four women, she has her own skeleton in the closet… The brave investigators will have complicated and confusing cases to solve and challenging life stories to go through. Apart from the external enemy, each one of them has to brave her internal one as well, to overcome her pain. And only by helping others they will help themselves.

Directors: Maksym Gulenko, Pavlo Maschenko, Andriy Osmolovsky

DOP: Volodymyr Ostapets

Producers: Viktoria Korogod, Olena Kanishevska, Oksana Tunik, Iryna Kostyuk, Yulia Mischenko

Head screenwriter: Yulia Mischenko

Screenwriting team: Olga Artyukh, Mark Shparber, Antonina Pikhovshek, Oksana Savchenko, Tamara Nikitchyna, Kateryna Pekur, Tetyana Yereskina, Sergiy and Natalya Shevchenko, Inga Balytska, Lana Ivanytsya, Iryna Feofanova.

Cast: Iryna Lanovenko, Oleksandra Lyuta, Darya Petrozhytska, Oleksandra Honcharova, Andriy Merzlikin, Vyacheslav Vasylyuk, Oleksandra Polguy, Vitaliy Derevyanchuk, Oleksandr Norchuk, Maksym Kanyuka, Vladyslav Honcharov, Angelina Stepanenko, and others.