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Can I Ask for More: brilliant rankings of the film

Can I Ask for Morea four-episode film premiered on October 23 on Ukraina TV channel, obtained excellent rankings.

The series made it to slot leaders by four main audiences: commercial 18-54 (50+), 18+ (50+), 18-54 (Ukr) and 18+ (Ukr), and the project share has greatly exceeded the channel share.

The reach by episode amounted to 2 million 285 thousand viewers! Average ranking and film share are, respectively: 18-54 (50+) 2.69% and 11.6%, 18 (50+) 5.33% and 17.3%, 18-54 (Ukr) 2.51% and 10.3% and 18+ (Ukr) 4.86% and 15.8%.

We congratulate everyone who worked on the film! This is your victory!

Director: Oleksiy Yesakov

DOP: Maksym Shkryd

Producers: Viktoria Korogod, Natalia Strybuk, Viktor Mirsky, Iryna Chernyak, Olena Malkova, Kyrylo Gorobets, Tetyana Nosenko.

Screenwriters: Lika Turluk, Anastasia Lodkina

Concept author: Maksym Bernadsky

Cast: Oleksandra Syzonenko, Vlad Nykytyuk, Iryna Verenych-Ostrovska, Sergiy Dzyalik, Andriy Mostrenko, Prokhor Dubravin, Oleksandr Kryuchkov, Oksana Arkhangelska, Eva Shevchenko-Golovko, Kyrylo Nykytenko, Iryna Bibik, and others.