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Mother’s Love filming started

The first shots were filmed in a stylish and beautiful venue, a private house on the edge of Kyiv. According to the plot, it is here that Sergey and Masha spend their happy days in love. A cozy house with a fountain and a garden, a rocking-chair on the terrace, paintings and beautiful trinkets – all this added to the film’s aesthetics.

The plot is centered around an eternal conflict between mother- and daughter-in-law. A power-hungry and influential woman Margarita does everything possible to disrupt the wedding of her only son. She is convinced that simple girl Masha who spent her childhood in an orphanage is no match for her Sergey. This is how the hostility between the two women starts. How will their war end? And do the characters have a chance to reconcile?

About the film

Masha Sorokina is happy – Sergey, a man she loves, proposes her to marry him. But Sergey’s mother, wealthy and haughty Margarita, believes that a regular girl who has grown up in an orphanage is not worthy of her only beloved son! She will find out the secret Masha has been keeping for many years and declare a merciless war on her!  

Director: Irina Gromozda

DOP: Sergey Grablev

Producers: Viktor Mirsky, Viktoria Korogod, Natalya Strybuk, Iryna Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Ekaterina Shvets.  

Scriptwriter: Nadezhda Komarovskaya, Lev Karpov, Andrey Perzen, Elena Zueva

Cast: Darya Plakhtiy, Taras Tsymbalyuk, Pyotr Rykov, Anastasia Bunina, Gordey Dzyubinsky, Sergey Dzyalik, Darya Egorkina, Elizaveta Zaytseva, Aleksey Nagrudny, Svetlana Zelbet, Inna Miroshnichenko, and others.