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Filming of I Don’t Want to Lose You completed

Sonya the protagonist has been in love with her classmate Andrey since childhood. But he chose another girl, beautiful Tanya. After seven years Sonya and Andrey meet again: both haven’t found their real love. It seems that just one step towards each other is enough for the feelings to be rekindled… But Tanya stands in their way again. Now she is married to a wealthy businessman and has decided to pull Andrey into a cruel and dangerous game…

Film director Oksana Taranenko has shared her vision of this story:

Real love does not get rusty, and this is the main message of our film. Life will show what a person needs and who is his/her real love even if they haven’t seen it on time or have mistaken something else for real feelings. In our film, the audience will see all shades of love: how friendship grows into love, how people deceive themselves and mistake destructive passions for real feelings.”

The series features actors the audience knows well: Yelizaveta Mayskaya, Dmitry Belyakin, Irina Tkachenko, Aleksandr Formanchuk, Aleksey Yarovenko, and others.

Director: Oksana Taranenko

DOP: Sergey Sokolovsky

Screenwriters: Olga Brileva, Elena Zueva, Olga Solovyova

Cast: Yelizaveta Mayskaya, Dmitry Belyakin, Irina Tkachenko, Aleksandr Formanchuk, Aleksey Yarovenko, Alisa Guryeva, Aleksey Nagrudny, Sergey Korshikov, Pavel Tekuchev, and others.

Producers: Viktoria Korogod, Natalia Strybuk, Viktor Mirsky, Iryna Chernyak, Elena Malkova, Kirill Gorobets, Tatyana Nosenko.