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Successful premiere of The Brave Squad social detective drama

For three weeks (November 2-18), The Brave Squad kept a leading position in the slot by three main audiences: 18+ (50+), 18-54 (Ukr) and 18+ (Ukr).

During the last week of broadcasts (November 16-19) the audience coverage per episode amounted to 2 million 199 thousand viewers. The average ranking and viewing share are the following: 18-54 (50+) 1.65% and 9.0%; 18+ (50+) 3.80% and 13.3%; 18-54 (Ukr) 2.08% and 9.2%; and 18+ (Ukr) 4.33% and 13.5%.

And the most important achievement is that the project has found its audience: viewers on social networks leave warm words of thanks, and the fans ask about the sequel of the story about the brave detectives.

Just a reminder: TheBraveSquadis the first Ukrainian series raising the theme of domestic violence.

The drama tells about everyday life of the new police unit countering domestic violence. The detectives help people suffering from degrading treatment and beatings in their families. The protagonists also have personal motivations to work in this unit; each of them has her complicated story to tell. By helping other people they get rid of their own past traumas…

Our congratulations go to everyone who worked on this powerful project!

Directors: Maksym Gulenko, Pavlo Maschenko, Andriy Osmolovsky

DOP: Volodymyr Ostapets

Producers: Viktoria Korogod, Olena Kanishevska, Oksana Tunyk, Iryna Kostyuk, Yulia Mischenko

Head writer: Yulia Mischenko

Screenwriters: Olga Artyukh, Mark Shparber, Antonina Pikhovshek, Oksana Savchenko, Tamara Nikitchina, Kateryna Pekur, Tetyana Ereskina, Sergiy and Natalya Shevchenko, Inga Balytska, Lana Ivanytsya, Iryna Feofanova.

Cast: Iryna Lanovenko, Oleksandra Lyuta, Darya Petrozhytska, Oleksandra Honcharova, Andriy Merzlikin, Vyacheslav Vasylyuk, Oleksandra Polguy, Vitaliy Derevyanchuk, Oleksandr Norchuk, Maksym Kanyuka, Vladyslav Honcharov, Angelina Stepanenko, and others.