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Successful premiere: top rankings for True Friend

At first the project became best series of the week by four main audiences: 18-54 (50+), 18+ (50+), 18-54 (Ukr) and 18+ (Ukr).

At that practically all main viewing indices of December 6 can be attributed to True Friend: the project ranked first in TOP 20 programs of the day by several audiences: commercially active 18-54 (50+) and also by 18+ (50+) and 18+ (Ukr).  

Every fifth TV viewer gave preference to this project (18+ audience), and the series share exceeded that of the TV channel by 30% on average for all audiences.

The coverage by episode amounted to 3 million 506 thousand viewers. The average ranking and viewing shares are the following:  

18-54 (50+) 3.78% and 12.8%; 18+ (50+) 7.81% and 20.7%; 18-54 (Ukr) 4.19% and 13.6%; and 18 + (Ukr) 8.00% and 20.9%.

Just a reminder: the melodrama tells about the destiny of a young music teacher Katya Smolina. Her life comes apart when Katya loses her family and finds out about the treason of closest friends…

We congratulate on the successful premiere everyone who worked on making this warm and touching film! 

Director: Iryna Gromozda

DOP: Dmytro Kiptylyi

Screenwriter: Maria Bek

Producers: Viktoria Korogod, Natalia Strybuk, Viktor Mirsky, Iryna Chernyak, Olena Malkova, Kateryna Shvets  

Cast: Olena Borozenets, Kateryna Tyshkevych, Petro Rykov, Grygoriy Baklanov, Vitaliy Kudryavtsev, Halyna Kobzar-Slobodyuk, Diana Dyka, Oleksiy Nagrudny, and others.