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I Don’t Want to Lose You becomes best series of the week

At first the project became best series of the week by two audiences, 18+ (50+) and 18+ (Ukr). It also became a slot leader by three main audiences: 18+ (50+), 18-54 (Ukr) and 18+ (Ukr).

The series average exceeded that of the TV channel last week, by 50% and 45% respectively for two audiences, 18+ (50+) and 18+ (Ukr), and the coverage by episodes amounted to 3 million 78 thousand viewers. 

I Don’t Want to Lose You ranked first in TOP 20 TV programs on December 20 by 18+ (Ukr) audience. 

Average ranking and share of the melodrama are the following: 18-54 (50+) 2.90% and 10,4%; 18+ (50+) 6.58% and 18,3%; 18-54 (Ukr) 3.26% and 10.6%; and 18+ (Ukr) 6.46% and 17.2%.

Those are great results!

We congratulate colleagues on such success!

Director: Oksana Taranenko

DOP: Sergiy Sokolovsky

Producers: Viktoria Korogod, Natalia Strybuk, Viktor Mirsky, Iryna Chernyak, Olena Malkova, Kyrylo Horobets, Tetyana Nosenko.

Screenwriters: Olga Brylyova, Olena Zuyeva, Olga Solovyova 

Cast: Yelyzaveta Mayska, Dmytro Belyakin, Iryna Tkachenko, Oleksandr Formanchuk, Oleksiy Yarovenko, Alisa Guryeva, Oleksiy Nagrudny, Sergiy Korshykov, Pavlo Tekuchev, and others.