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Successful premiere of Talk to Her series

The melodrama topped the rankings of best projects of the week by 18-54 (Ukr) and 18+ (Ukr) audiences.  

The project became a slot leader by three audiences:  18+ (50+), 18-54 (Ukr) and 18+ (Ukr); its share increased that of the TV channel by 18% on average for these audiences. 

The coverage per episode amounted to 3 million 489 thousand viewers; the average project rankings and shares are the following: 3.48% and 12.6% for 18-54 (50+); 7.42% and 20.1% for 18+ (50+); 4.59% and 15.4% for 18-54 (Ukr); and 7.98% and 20.8% for 18+ (Ukr), respectively.  

We congratulate everyone who worked on the melodrama on the successful premiere! 

Director: Roman Tkachenko

Producers: Viktoria Korogod, Natalia Strybuk, Viktor Mirsky, Iryna Chernyak, Olena Malkova, Kyrylo Horobets, Tetyana Nosenko.  

DOP: Dmytro Yurikov

Screenwriters: Andriy Pertsen, Nadia Komarovska, Lev Karpov  

Cast: Anastasia Ivanova, Grigoriy Baklanov, Yelyzaveta Zaytseva, Andriy Isayenko, Yuriy Grebelnyk, Tamara Morozova, Oleksandr Tretyachenko, and others.