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Faithful Friend and Talk to Her series occupy the first positions in TOP 20 programs of the day

Repeat broadcasts of four-episode melodramas produced by FILM.UA on Ukraina TV channel enjoyed huge success On Friday, June 25, a repeat broadcast of Faithful Friend series took place in prime time.

The project made it to slot leaders by all audiences and occupied the first lines in TOP 20 TV programs by four main audiences (18-54 (50+), 18+ (50+), 18-54 (Ukr) and 18+ (Ukr). The rankings and viewing shares are the following: 18-54 (50+) 2.28% and 10.93%; 18+ (50+) 4.36% and 15.45%; 18-54 (Ukr) 2.44% and 10.80%; and 18+ (Ukr) 4.13% and 14.4%. Talk to Her four-episode melodrama also won high rankings: the series was broadcast on June 28 starting from 4:50 PM. The viewing numbers are the following: 18-54 (50+) 3.17% and 12.76%; 18+ (50+) 6.28% and 18.7%; 18-54 (Ukr) 2.82% and 12.50%; and 18+ (Ukr) 5.5% and 18.45%. The project became the best program of the day by 18+ and 18-54 audiences.