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Shooting of Two Lives series started

The shooting of a 12-episode criminal melodrama Two Lives started.
Foundland Pictures Limited provided a portion of services during filming in Ukraine. The shooting will take place in Kyiv until mid-August. The premiere will happen on Ukraina TV channel.

"Mixing genres is a global trend, and we want to make contemporary films matching those produced around the world, to keep our bar high. Melodrama is a genre our audience is used to, but it is now a bit outdated in its pure form. Adding a detective streak lets the imagination go wild. A story of chases, betrayal, interesting locations and confusing plot twists opens up more opportunities. It is more interesting to shoot that and you'll get a really vivid and captivating movie," says Olesya Lukyanenko, creative producer. "But we understand that our audience expects beautiful life stories and here the story is just like that. So we try to both let our creative ambitions out and make a film which our audience will surely like."