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Shooting of Two Lives series finished

On August 31, the filming of a 12-episode series Two Lives finished.

"We had lots of stunt scenes, lots of complicated fights – for example, in water or with car windows breaking. I should note that the main character Anzhela played by Yelena Radevich participated in stunts without a double. She crawled from the window to the balcony on the 2nd floor, went down the rope from a private house terrace 5 meters from the ground. The project got us all worked up, but it was worth it," says Sasha Kiriyenko, director. "There is a mix of four genres in the film – there are love, death, drama, and even comedy elements. It is a movie about life which has difficult tasks in stock but at the same time gives an opportunity to rethink one's past actions. It is about reimagining a personality."  

Synopsis. Angela is a typical jeunesse doree.  Her father, a successful businessman, gave her everything she ever wanted. But Angela is sure she has been deprived of the vital thing: her father's love. She is suspicious of him to be accessory to her mother's death, and she sees him as a menace to Dima, her fiancée. When Dima gets lost just before their marriage ceremony, Angela is sure her father has everything to do about it. She steals secret documents and gives them away to the police. The girl is aware her father is never going to forgive her and asks for shelter under witness protection program. But as soon as she finds herself in a provincial town, with a new passport and with no means of support, Angela finds out, horrified, that there has never been any witness protection program at all. The girl has just been used in someone's smart game, and it is definitely not her father who rules it all...