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TV Rain acquired rights to broadcasting Okean Elzy concert

TV Rain acquired the rights to broadcast a theatrical version of OE. 20 Live in Kyiv concert by Okean Elzy on New Year's night 2016-2017.

TV Rain is a Russian independent television channel. Dozhd focuses on news, discussions, culture, politics, business reports, and documentaries. Most Dozhd shows are live broadcasts.

What the project is about:

OE. 20 LIVE IN KYIV is the first theatrical version of the show in the history of Ukrainian filmmaking, performed by the legendary band Okean Elzy (OE). More than 75,000 fans from all over the world attended the anniversary show "Okean Elzy – 20 years Together" at the NSC "Olimpiyskyi" in Kyiv, on 21 June 2014, which is the official national record. Both classic and current line-up of OE performed that night. There were 35 songs performed, 20 of which were selected by OE members to be included into the theatrical version of the show OE.20 LIVE IN KYIV.
Andy Horner, a world-famous British cinematographer, was invited by FILM.UA to run the shooting of OE.20 LIVE IN KYIV. The latest hi-end technologies together with 17 cameras were employed during filming. Autonomous Time Laps Point was used to perform all the changes of the Olimpiyskyi Stadium during the stage building, equipment settlement, with tens of thousands of fans filled the floor, and returning back to its usual state.