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TV3 acquired the rights to broadcast Mystical Tales

TV3 acquired the rights to broadcast all three seasons of Mystical Tales TV show.

What the project is about:

Each episode consists of two stories. All of them are based on real events and were simply reconstructed with the help of a film crew and talented non-professional actors.

We tried not to make our own corrections to the stories (because you cannot just invent these things), attempting instead to retell them the way we heard those from real participants of the events described or from ESP experts who worked with them. We wanted to show these events the way specific people saw and experienced them. Therefore, the audience might at times consider our stories too scary, weird or funny. But this is the way our life is.

The project involves various experts analyzing the events happening on the screen and expressing their opinions. They are psychologists, ESP and bioenergy experts, doctors and even witches. Each of them has their own vision of the event. However, we do not want our experts to fight among themselves; they simply state their positions. It is for the viewer to decide who is right and whether the story is based on a mystic experience or simple autosuggestion.