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Filming starts for Café on Sadovaya street series

On May 17, filming of Café on Sadovaya street four-episode melodrama started. The premiere is scheduled on air of STB channel in 2017.

The shooting will take place in Kyiv, Irpin, and FILM.UA studio.

“We were looking for a café our plot is based around for a long time, and found it on the edge of the city, with a marvelous view on the lake. Among other Kyiv locations are the beautiful neighborhood of Obolon, the town of Irpen, an amusement park, a railway station, suburban highways and, naturally, FILM.UA studio pavilions,” says Katya Shvets, project producer.

Synopsis. Three women, three stories. Different ages, different characters. Each one has her own secret. Olga, Nika, and Valentina work in Cafe on Sadovaya Street and want to be happy in love. Olga, having served a prison sentence instead of her husband, tries to get back her son who her traitor husband gave up to be raised in a different family. Valentina cannot admit that her eternal controversy with the café owner masks real love. Nika has run away from wealthy parents and betrayal, now trying to start a new life among simple and honest people. To find their true love, all of them will have to cover a difficult path. But in any dire circumstances, these women always support each other and soon become real friends.