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End of Filming for Café on Sadovaya street

On April 15, filming of Café on Sadovaya street ended; it took place in Kyiv and also at FILM.UA studio.

The premiere of four-episode melodrama Café on Sadovaya street is scheduled for autumn 2017 on air of STB.

A dramatic but very beautiful love story awaits the audience. As the project producer says, “The most romantic scene is where the protagonists in love walk in the park, discuss their past and future, go on rides and eat ice-cream. During the filming, we had great sunny weather, children with their parents strolling, rich greenery and beautiful forest around. The ambiance turned out to be really tender and peaceful.”

Synopsis. Three women, three stories. All of them are of different ages and natures, and each has her own mystery. Olga, Nika, and Valentina work in Café on Sadovaya street, and their shared dream is to become happy in their private lives. Olga has served a prison sentence instead of her husband and now tries to bring back her son, as the spouse didn’t just betray her but also gave the boy up to be raised in another family. Valentina cannot recognize that behind an all-time controversy with the café owner real love hides. Nika has run away from wealthy parents and betrayal; she tries to start a new life among honest and simple people. To find their true love, each character will have to go a long way. But in all complicated life situations, these women always support each other and soon become real friends.