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Filming of Choosing Her Way melodrama finished

On June 21, the shooting period of four-episode melodrama Choosing Her Way ended (directed by Anna Gres). This autumn, the series will be premiered on Ukraina TV channel.

The director has shared some details from the film set: "All announced locations in the film are new; nobody used them before us. This was our first-priority task, we wanted to get a fresh, contemporary and high-quality picture,” says the director. “Besides, each location should match the nature of characters. For example, Sasha is a well-to-do man living in a house on a barge; we hardly managed to arrange filming there with its owner. One of our characters ‘lives’ in a loft; another one in a studio apartment belonging to a Ukrainian artist. Each location has a certain reason behind it.”

What the film is about: Natasha and Viktor dream about a baby, but they haven’t managed to become parents in 10 years of their marriage. Mother-in-law blames Natalia for everything, and Viktor gradually distances himself from his wife. Suddenly, a school friend Alexander comes back into Natasha’s life. It is hard to believe that this successful and self-confident handsome man is the same shy Sashka who used to suffer from unrequited love for her. The husband’s betrayal and dismissal from a job she loved bring Natasha on the verge of despair, but her old friend’s support and a chance acquaintance with Nikolay change her life in a radical way. It looks like the destiny decided to give Natasha a second chance… But another blow immediately follows. Only dedicated Sashka is always there in tough times. But who is he really: a faithful friend or a reason behind all her misfortunes?