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Domashniy TV channel acquired rights to three miniseries from the company catalogue

Domashniy TV channel (Russia) acquired rights to miniseries 40+, or the Geometry of Love (directed by Oksana Bayrak), Choosing Her Way (directed by Anna Gres), and A House on a Cold Spring (directed by Taras Dudar). The broadcasts are planned for this autumn.

Just a reminder: in early 2017, Ukraine premiered 40+, or the Geometry of Love on STB channel.

The premiere of House on a Cold Spring took place in late 2016 on air of Ukraina TV channel; average ranking and film viewing share amounted to 5.45% and 13.97% for 18-54 (50+) audience, and 6.04% and 14.34% for 18-54 (all Ukraine) audience. Besides, House on a Cold Creek brought Ukraina TV channel into slot leader among top six channels for 4+, 18-54, and 18+ (50+) audiences.

In September 2017, premiere of Choosing Her Way is planned on Ukraina TV channel.