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Filming Finished for melodrama I Swear I Will Love You Forever

Filming has ended for I Swear I Will Love You Forever (director Alina Chebotaryova), a four-episode melodrama. The TV premiere of the story is scheduled for autumn.

Part of the shoots took place in Kyiv, and all sea scenes were made in Chernomorsk where the main locations were a private beach, the port, and the city center. Professional consultants and experts on the underwater shooting were also involved in the project.

What the film is about: Lena is a beautiful girl, a promising athlete and a real pride of Primorsk. She has great sports future ahead of her – Lena is a born swimmer. Since her childhood, she has been friends with Zheka and Pashka. A long time ago all of them swore they will always be together and never betray one another. But on the eve of the graduation party, the guys who are actually competing for Lena decide to tell her about their feelings. And one of them will have to concede. However, adult life won’t turn out the way the friends used to dream about. In seven years, Lena, Pashka, and Zheka will meet again in their native city. And like many years ago, Lena will have to make a choice. But will a child’s oath pass the test of time?