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Twist of Fate series starts on Russia 1 TV channel

On Monday, August 14, Russia 1 TV channel premieres Twist of Fate series.

The series consisting of 40 episodes is a Ukrainian version of Korean TV project Glass Slippers.

In Ukraine, premiere took place on Inter TV channel in late 2016 and became the best series premiere of the year.

The series became a sure leader of the slot for the following audiences: 18-54 (Ukraine), 18+ (50+) and 18+ (Ukraine). As for 18+ (Ukraine) audience, the film became the best series premiere of the year on the Ukrainian television.

The average rating and viewing share for the series amounted to the following: 18-54 (Ukraine) – 5.04% and 13.85% respectively; 18-54 (50+) – 3.88% and 11.79%; 18+ (Ukraine) and 18+ (50+) – respectively 8,31% and 19,96%, 6,82% and 17,34%. As for average share for certain episodes of the film among 18+ (Ukraine) audience, it reached 24.88% and 18.79% for 18-54 (Ukraine).

Besides, the average share of Twist of Fate viewing was bigger than the average daily share of Inter TV channel: by 54.1% for 18-54 (Ukraine), by 54.9% for 18-54 (50+), and by 58.8% for 18+ (50+).

The film was watched by more than 2 million 800 thousand viewers over 4 years of age on the territory of Ukraine!