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Wife on the Drive format at PITCH & PLAY LIVE

Wife on the Drive reality show has made it to top 10 finalists selected for the first pitching of TV formats PITCH & PLAY LIVE organized by CEETV jointly with NATPE. The selection commission voting results put Wife on the Drive on the 4th place.

Each format was evaluated according to three criteria: originality, universal appeal, and international reach.

About the project:

Female drivers are more than just women behind the wheel, they are the stuff of legend: they have been the butt of sexist jokes and a topic of men’s conversation for decades! In our project, we let a man teach his woman the art and craft of driving. Two couples participate in each episode and they have just 3 days to complete the task. The couple that performs best receives an award! The show also focuses on revealing the real feelings and nuances behind the facade of the couple’s relationship that surface under pressure. The audience will witness it all: tears, scandals, expressions of love and tenderness and uninhibited aggression. In a way, the final result will always depend on the strength of the couple's feelings to each other, and we are there to put them to the test!