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ALL TICKETS SOLD to pre-premiere screening of Insiders Project new films

On November 27, Insiders Project showed new films and had a full house in Kyivska Rus, the biggest cinema in the country.

During the screening, the 5th and 6th movies of the Insiders Project were showed. In the “Dying Factory” movie the team goes on the expedition at the once secret Arsenal factory. Via the narrow pipes, the team got into the maze of basements, that connect the factory underground. There, the team waited till the nighttime and got out to the factory territory in order to show the viewer the former strength of the soviet manufacture.

“There Be Giants” movie tells us about the flooded coal mine.  Together with the crew the viewers made a thrilling and dangerous trip on the railcars of the freight train, examined the industrial excavators and climbed on the 80 meters high top of the digging machine on the thin iron ropes.