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Filming of a four-episode film A house on a Cold Spring started

On August 1, filming of a four-episode film A house on a Cold Spring for Ukraina TV channel (by Film UA Production) started.

"The filming will go on until the middle of September and will also take place outside of Kyiv. Some scenes will be set at an interesting location, an old railway station in Chernihiv, an ancient city" – says the project's producer, Marina Kvasova. "We also promise complex stunt scenes in the movie."

Synopsis. Arina Subotina grew up in an orphanage and lives her life assured of the fact her parents died. Quite unexpectedly, Arina gets a message from a woman telling her she is her mother. She is presumably on the point of death, willing to leave her a legacy.
In order to figure it all out and call the bluff of the impostor, Arina sets off to Maryozhyno, where her "mother" lives. By good fortune, the city hosts a private genetic laboratory, where Arina applies to for an expert examination. Here she meets Ilya, the laboratory expert, and a chemistry lights up between them.
Nevertheless, soon Arina begins to realize that someone in the city is not particularly welcoming her, and will stop at nothing to make her leave without neither finding out the truth of her "mother", nor any other mysteries surrounding Arina since the moment she entered this eerie town.