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China published a series of Ukrainian books from Glowberry Books publishing house

From the middle of 2017, The Secret series were published in Chinese (Beijing Ruyi Xinxin Publishing Co., Ltd), and appeared on the Amazon and bookstores in China.

China also acquired the rights to publish The Secret series in digital format, so this year books will appear on the main commercial Internet platforms of the country. FOUNDLAND PICTIURES LIMITED acted as a distributor of the rights in the The Secret series (The Secret of a Fake Coin, The Secret of a Stolen Pot, The Secret of an Old Bakery) by Glowberry Books publishing house.

The Secret series (The Secret of a Fake Coin, The Secret of a Stolen Pot, The Secret of an Old Bakery) tells about adventures of a young detective girl and combines an encyclopedia, a children's detective, and a board game.