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Insiders Project to be screened in Ukraina cinema

On November 25 and December 2, the last episodes of the first season of Insiders Project will be screened in Ukraina cinema.

In the new episodes, Insiders Project will show the territory of Chernobyl and Prypyat through the eyes of a stalker. The team will walk a 40-kilometer hiking trail through Chernobyl alienation zone, swim the rivers and cross marshes. In Prypyat, the team will take the routes off the beaten track and show some unique objects like the morgue, the Death Bridge, and the Red Forest.

The audience is in for a bonus film narrating the shooting process. Insiders Project participants will present the new films in person and answer all the questions from the audience after the screening. Besides, project merchandise will be available for sale before and after the screening.