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Premiere of Baby Boxes series on Khabar channel in Kazakhstan

Today, on November 13 Khabar TV channel (Kazakhstan) will premiere Baby Boxes series.

Baby Boxes is a melodrama series about salvation and kindness, human vices and a huge will to live; these are stories about making a choice and becoming a whole world for someone else.

Each episode of the series is a story of saved infant planted in the so-called “baby box”, a special spot arranged in a maternity or a children’s hospital for those who wish to anonymously get rid of the baby. The film is set in a children’s hospital of a perinatal center, with the doctors and the medical staff put forward as characters. They give the foundling a start in life, providing treatment and care. Then come the parents who reached a conscious decision to adopt another one’s child. Still, the baby remains the central character as the events are unfolding around the little boy or girl. The plot of each film episode is full of unexpected twists and turns.