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Premiere of series The Last Goodbye on the Ukraina TV channel

Premiere broadcasting of The Last Goodbye was finished on the Ukraina TV channel.

At the time of the show, The Last Goodbye, the Ukraina TV channel was a leader of the views as an adult audience of 18+ of the whole Ukraine (share16.7) and an audience of 18+ cities with a population of 50 thousand people and above (share 13.6), far ahead of competitors. The average rating and share of reviews were respectively: for the audience 18-54 (50+) - 3.01% and 9.89%, for the audience 18-54 (Ukraine) - 3.74% and 11.81%, for the audience 18+ (50+) - 4.92% and 13.62%, and for the audience 18+ (Ukraine) - 6.07% and 16.68%.

Plot: One hot summer day, 24-year-old Andrey saves a drowning schoolgirl Vera. The girl falls in love with her savior, but he only sees a small shy girl in her. Soon, Andrey leaves for the city and marries a woman his age. Vera is left with his drawings, a medallion, and Jim the puppy they saved together. Years have passed, and from an awkward girl Vera has turned into a successful and beautiful woman; she started her own business and got married. Still, she is not happy. One day, Vera meets Andrey in a veterinary clinic but does not reveal she is that same Vera. However, problems with business and her husband’s betrayal destroy her well-arranged life. And when things get rough, Andrey comes to the rescue just like many years ago.