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Filming of a four-episode film A house on a Cold Spring finished

On November 18, filming of a four-episode film A house on a Cold Spring for Ukraina TV channel (by Film UA Production) finished. The premiere is scheduled for autumn 2016 on Ukraina TV channel.

Alla Lipovetskaya, one of the project's producers, says, "A House on a Cold Spring is a four-episode melodrama with detective and thriller elements. We had a challenging shooting period before us, as it is not an easy task to tell the story and keep the audience at the screen in just four episodes. But we managed as we have a great director, a talented cast, vivid characters and dramatic plot lines."

The episodes were shot in summer in the historical part of Chernihiv (Ukraine), on the city square and at an old railway station. Local residents were able to take part in filming. "As for the "house on Cold Spring" itself, we found it in Puscha-Voditsa (historic part of Kyiv)," says the director, commenting on the choice of the key element the film plot is twisted around.