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UKRAINA TV channel has again acquired rights in mini-series To See the Rainbow...

The mini-series premiere took place on February 27, 2016, on the same TV channel.

Crime melodrama took third place in the TOP 20 TV Viewing Rating among 18-54 (50K+) audience. Its share and rating amounted to 13.08% and 3.82%, respectively.

More than 1.9 million viewers aged 4+ watched the new series by Oksana BayrakIn addition, the share of "To see the rainbow..." was 45% higher than the average daily share of TV channel "Ukraina" among 18-54 (50K+) audience on February 26th. Also, "Ukraina" TV channel has become a leader among the TV channels in the series slot, while "To see the rainbow..." entered TOP 10 programs among 18+ (50+) audience for the week February 22-28.

Synopsis. The life of 25-year-old Vera is everything you could wish for: family, excellent education, and man of her life, smart and charming Igor.

Soon enough, Vera’s high school sweetheart Anton appears again in her life. She understands that her love for Anton is still there and refuses to marry Igor. However, the girl cannot even imagine the terrible things her school friend has got himself involved in.

The former fiance soon tells Vera that Anton is a criminal who has participated in a robbery and even a murder! Out of these two men, who tells the truth and who lies? Who to believe? Should it be the one already caught lying or the one who did not manage to forgive her for the rejection? What would be the right choice: to go back to quiet regular life or to saсrifice everything for the sake of first love?