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Step Dan Dramedy Premiere on STB Channel

On August 28,  at 7 PM, on air of STB channel, the long-awaited premiere of Step Dan, a 16-episode dramedy will take place.

Step Dan dramedy is based on Step Dave, a successful New Zealand format by South Pacific Pictures.

“This is an original, sincere and carefree story about love and treating your age with irony. It is a look on certain aspects of a relationship between our characters who have a considerable age difference,” says Irina Gromozda, project director. “I like how the adaptation has turned out, the guys hit the bull’s eye. It is really hard to adapt a foreign project, keep the basic storyline and at the same time make it close, understandable and funny for us.”

Synopsis. Their romance started with a typical one night stand. Dan has always had good fortune in his life. He is a twenty-four-year-old who is handsome, witty and has great success with the ladies — which he takes as a given. Tina — is a thirty-nine-year-old who is a successful businesswoman and mother of three. They met under very unusual circumstances but continued their story in the most traditional way — a date, followed by sex, followed by zero commitments. Such an arrangement satisfied them both until Dan realizes he is madly in love. This raises a series of questions.

Can Dan become a father for Tina’s children? How do they deal with the grandmother — who immediately hates Dan for his young age? How will Tina’s family react to such an obvious mésalliance? Finally, what will Tina do when she finds out that Dan’s mother is her old school friend?