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Premiere of Dr. Baby Dust 3 on Ukraina TV channel

On August 31 at 6 PM, the premiere of the third season of Dr. Baby Dust melodrama series will take place on Ukraina TV channel.

Just a reminder: just recently, on August 28 there was a premiere in Russia, on Domashniy TV channel.

The premiere season is set in an innovational clinic founded by Dr. Shirokov’s ex-father-in-law, professor Yuriy Klimov. He has only a year left until retirement, and during this time he has to find a worthy successor. But this is not the main reason why the professor invites Roman to work together. According to Valeriy Zaytsev who is going to portray Yuriy Klimov on the screen his character is a reserved professor with many years of experience in medicine, but not as simple as he might seem at first.

What the film is about: Doctor Roman Shyrokov’s former father-in-law has just one year left until retirement, and he is to find a worthy successor during this time. However, this is not the main reason why professor again invites Roman to work with him. Roman Shyrokov is the only doctor able to complete an innovative research project, and the destiny of professor’s daughter Nina depends on its results. Still, clinic investors and employees are not happy to see a new professional at work. Doctor Oleg Chernov, the deputy to the professor, also perceives Shyrokov as a threat, so he is ready for anything to get rid of the competitor. 

Will doctor Shyrokov be able to counter intrigues and complete the research? How will his relationships with the new colleagues develop and will he find his true love? This is what we are just about to find out. But even now we can already say that in each episode doctor Roman Shyrokov will work miracles and help beautiful babies make it into this world.